Sunday, July 29, 2007

"They threw quite a Going Away party for me... according to the letter." -- Emo Phillips

Well, in addition to packing, we've had a great last few days of parties.

First, Ian had his 5th birthday party, and this gave him a chance to hang out with a lot of his friends.

Next, Dominic had a Bon Voyage party with a lot of his friends.

Then, we had an Auf Wiedersehen party with several family friends.

These parties have been so much fun, but they've also reminded us of how blessed we are to have such great friendships, and we know we'll miss these friendships even more than we'll miss 75 cent Extra Large Diet Cokes.

By the way, one way we hope to stay in touch is through Skype. If you are a Skype member, add us as contacts-- search for the account name stevenvrouse.



Kari and Randy Adopt said...

We were blessed to be at the Auf Wiedersehen party. Miss you already.... Will enjoy checking out your blog to keep up with your adventures as well as talking for free on Skype!

Praying for your activities in these last few days, for your travel, for settling in, etc., etc.

Love, Kari

Kari and Randy Adopt said...

I hope these pics will give you a smile.

Much love, Randy