We've had lots of first days here so we'll start from the most recent and work our way back.
This past Monday, Ian started Kindergarten at Kanzleigasse Kindergarten. It's run by the City of Heidelberg. We really like it there, and more importantly, so does Ian!
Here is Ian at His Classroom Door for Walgruppe (the Whale Group). The kids move around rooms some during the day and he likes the Maulwerfgruppe (the Mole Group) room best because he likes their fort. He has a fort in his room, too, but the first day a girl blocked him and wouldn't let him in. In the other classroom no one blocks him so he's decided that one is better.
He is very glad to be in school and feels like the big boy he is. His teachers, Carolyn and Miriam, speak to him in German and some in English. When I asked him how it was to hear German all day his calmly said, "It's annoying."
Here is Ian outside on his playground. This playground sold the school for Ian when he first saw it.
It's designed like a Schloss (Castle) because the school backs up to the bottom wall of the real Heidelberg Schloss.
To the right of the red roof there are some colors on the wood - those are four shields for the Kindergarten's four classes, Wal (Whale), Maulwerf (Mole), Eisbaer (Polar Bear), and Maus (Mouse).
Ian goes to Kindergarten from 8 or 8:3o in the morning until 1:30 in the afternoon each day. The kids can't wear their shoes inside so each child has Hausschuhe (houseshoes) that they leave at school at put on each morning. They have a 3rd pair of shoes for gym that are never worn outside.
Here is Dominic walking into school on his first day of Dritte Klasse (third grade).
On Monday, Thursday and Friday he has to be at Schule (School) at 7:45 a.m. so we have to leave by 7:25 to be on time. Tuesday and Wednesday he gets there at 8:30. Most days he leaves school at 1:05, but on Monday
and Friday he gets out at 12:15.
On Wednesday his whole grade goes swimming for Sport (P.E.) that's been fun for him.
Dominic in front of his school and the sign. It's Friedrich-Ebert Grundschule (Grade School). He is in Klasse 3.b with Frau Attree.
Colin, in Dominic's class has become a friend.
It hasn't been easy to sit for so many hours not being able to read or understand directions. But he is making friends and doing his best.
Two boys sitting on the Moore Haus steps, ready for school.
We are very proud of them both for being so brave to go to German school! They are still excited to be better German speakers than their parents. Which will happen very soon!
Thanks for your prayers and encouragement for them both and please continue to pray for their perservance and patience in school, confidence to make new friends, and learning German.
German backpacks are really cool. The boys love theirs.
They are very lightweight and have thick shoulderstraps and pads on the back.
They are also reflectors, which is very cool!
We also have had the students' first day of arriving here in Germany, of their Intensive Week of German, and of Classes. Steve's first day of school (teaching, of course!) was good and he is enjoying his students. We have more pictures and stories coming very soon.
We would love to hear about what you are doing and how you all are, too.
Love, Ian, Dominic, Stacy and Steve