We've got a new phone number. Call 310-929-5828. This will ring through to our computer.
Don't worry about accidentally making a mistake with the time zones and calling us in the middle of the night-- when we go to sleep we turn off the computer, and whenever the computer's off your call will just go straight through to voicemail. Also, our account is unlimited use, so we're paying the same amount whether you call or not, so call us!
Some of you have asked about where we're living this year, so we thought we'd give you a tour of the Moore Haus, one of the most beautiful houses we've ever seen.
This first picture shows the Moore Haus from the level of the street-- perched 71 steps up a steep hill.
However, before you start up the steps, you go though the front gate.
And then start up the steps. When you are trying to move in 9 suitcases (each one weighing exactly the 51 pounds that British Airways allows), you count each and every one of those steps.
The next picture shows the front door (to the left) and a patio for the students. Right in the center of the picture, there's a tunnel that leads to our back door and our patio (which you'll see in a minute).
When you walk into the foyer, you see this incredible stained glass window. The stairway leads to the second floor (where the bedrooms for the female students are) and the third floor (where the bedrooms for the male students are). The brown arched door below the stairs leads to the lower floor, where the offices, student living room, and student computer lab are.
In the next picture (also of the foyer), the door to the left (which is almost out of view) leads to the library. There's a lot of construction stuff in there right now, so we didn't take a picture. The door in the middle of the picture leads to the Reception Room (which is shared by us and the students). The arched door to the right leads to our apartment.
The next three pictures show the Reception Room.
The next picture shows the front door (to the left) and a patio for the students. Right in the center of the picture, there's a tunnel that leads to our back door and our patio (which you'll see in a minute).
When you walk into the foyer, you see this incredible stained glass window. The stairway leads to the second floor (where the bedrooms for the female students are) and the third floor (where the bedrooms for the male students are). The brown arched door below the stairs leads to the lower floor, where the offices, student living room, and student computer lab are.
In the next picture (also of the foyer), the door to the left (which is almost out of view) leads to the library. There's a lot of construction stuff in there right now, so we didn't take a picture. The door in the middle of the picture leads to the Reception Room (which is shared by us and the students). The arched door to the right leads to our apartment.
The next three pictures show the Reception Room.
Dominic and Ian have both been starting to learn how to play the piano since we've been here. Stacy thought ahead and brought some piano lesson books, and they've been enjoying it.
When you walk into our apartment, the first room you go into is the kitchen.
Then our living room.
Then the bedroom. Right now, the boys are sleeping in one of the students' rooms, but in a couple of weeks, they'll move into this bedroom, and the two of us will start sleeping in the living room.
Finally, there's our back patio, which is a beautiful place to eat lunch or just sit and read. The stone stairway to the right leads to a path (all on Moore Haus property) into the woods, where there's an old World War II era bunker. The pathway makes a good place for the boys to go play Stay Wars.
When you walk into our apartment, the first room you go into is the kitchen.
Then our living room.
Then the bedroom. Right now, the boys are sleeping in one of the students' rooms, but in a couple of weeks, they'll move into this bedroom, and the two of us will start sleeping in the living room.
Finally, there's our back patio, which is a beautiful place to eat lunch or just sit and read. The stone stairway to the right leads to a path (all on Moore Haus property) into the woods, where there's an old World War II era bunker. The pathway makes a good place for the boys to go play Stay Wars.
Steve, Stacy, Dominic, and Ian